Message from our Chairman

教育不只是知識的傳授,學生潛能的培育亦是重要一環。我們堅信每個學生都是一顆閃亮的明星,只要得到悉心栽培,定能將潛能無限發揮,綻放出耀眼光芒!國際啟發潛能教育聯盟(香港)自2004年正式成立至今,啟發潛能教育的理念得到愈來愈多學校的認同,當中包括中小學、幼稚園和特殊學校,每所學校都能因應校內情況,發展出一套獨特的I.E.教學模式。為了表揚有出色表現的學校,美國IAIE總會分別設立「啟發潛能教育大獎Inviting School Award」和「啟發潛能教育學校成就大獎 Dr. Paula Helen Stanley Inviting School Fidelity Award」,十多年來,相繼已有數十所學校獲得美國總會頒發的殊榮。



Education not just plays a vital role in imparting knowledge, but also in cultivating students' potential. We strongly believe that every student is like a shining star. With intentionally designed training, his or her potential will be tapped like a shining star bursting out dazzling light! Ever since the official establishment of the International Alliance for Invitational Education (Hong Kong) in 2004, there has been a growing number of schools adopting the philosophy of Invitational Education, including primary, secondary, kindergarten as well as special schools. More importantly, each school has developed its unique and school-based pedagogic mode in implementing IE. In recognition of the outstanding performance of these schools, IAIE has set up “Inviting School Award” and “Dr. Paula Helen Stanley Inviting School Fidelity Award” respectively. In the past decade, dozens of project schools have been awarded the Inviting School honors.

In order to further promote Invitational Education, IAIE(HK) has regularly planned and participated in a variety of activities, such as, local professional sharing and trainings, oversea study tours, international meetings, Inviting Award Programme for Students & Teachers, IE promotion & publicity activities, etc. In addition, we have been actively conducting IE sharing projects in South-east Asia and Mainland China. It is encouraging to report that, just in a few years' time, quite a number of schools from Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Foshan , Liannan and Nanjing have implemented Invitational Education and the results are quite satisfactory.

On behalf of IAIE(HK), I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the members of the IE family for the supports in the past years. And, it is hoped that with all your continuous guidance and encouragement, we would have a great advancement in promoting the implementation of Invitational Education.