Invitational Education Awards

Inviting School Awards 2023


Chairperson: James Botts
[email protected]

The purpose of the Inviting Schools Award is to recognize schools, districts and universities throughout the world who exhibit the philosophy of Invitational Education. Awards will be presented at the bi-annual World Conference.

Note: IAIE recognizes that some schools may not be able to host an evaluation team. Schools wishing to apply but that may be unable to host a site visit will be eligible for an alternate recognition.

"The Inviting School of Promise Certificate" has been created for these schools.

Inviting School Fidelity Award 2023


2023 Fidelity Award Application Booklet for reference (new)
* Procedure of applying for Fidelity Award by Kaka


Chairperson: Ken Wright
[email protected]

The prestigious Paula Helen Stanley Fidelity Award recognizes schools throughout the world that over the years have kept the spirit and practice of Invitational Education alive and well in their schools. There are 5 levels of Fidelity Awards, presented every two years.  A school that receives the top Gold Fidelity Award has dedicated more than 10 years to inviting practices. 

1. Inviting School 1st Silver Fidelity Award

2. Inviting School 2nd Silver Fidelity Award    國際啟發潛能教育成就大獎(二星銀獎)

3.Inviting School 3rd Silver Fidelity Award   

4.Inviting School 4th Silver Fidelity Award    

5.Inviting School Golden Fidelity Award    

William Stafford Leadership Award

Chairprson: Clio Chan
[email protected]

IAIE established the William Stafford Leadership Award in 2003 to recognize exceptional servant leadership within the Alliance. It is the highest award presented by the organization. Bestowed every other year at the IAIE annual meeting.


Outstanding Research Award

AERA Invitational Education Special Interest Group

AERA SIG Chairperson: Jenny Edwards
[email protected]

The purpose of the award is to promote the scholarly study of the theory and practice of Invitational Education and to broaden and deepen its supportive research base


Outstanding Dissertation Award

Committee: Jenny Edwards (Chair), Melissa Cain, Joan Fretz, Laura Mitchell, and Kay Phelps.